Uganda discovered commercially recoverable oil reserves, with current oil exploration work taking place in the Albertine Graben region. Uganda’s proven crude oil reserves stand at 6.5 billion barrels with 1.4 billion barrels that are commercially recoverable. The country also has a large artisanal and small-scale mining sector.

The country was admitted as an EITI implementing country in August 2020.  Uganda aims to use EITI membership to strengthen efforts in ensuring overall transparency in the sector, strengthen tax collection, promote public debate, improve the investment climate, build trust and create lasting value from petroleum and mineral resources.

However, when not used in a transparent and accountable manner, natural resources such as oil and gas have the potential to aggravate existing inequalities and exacerbate vulnerabilities among the host communities in form of loss of livelihoods, conflicts, displacements, and loss of biodiversity.

Under this programme, CCEI works with communities, local authorities and government to ensure that they approach extractive projects in a way that is sensitive to the environment and communities and does not exacerbate tension or create conflict. We do this through raising awareness, encouraging and supporting dialogue, training, and sharing information. We also improve knowledge within communities about their rights and we bring conflicting parties together to talk.